Contact North AI Tutor Pro
AI Tutor Pro is a Generative AI student study tool developed by Contact North | Contact Nord.
This student-facing tool is designed to be a studying aid for students.
Instructors can use this tool to test out the results with their own subject matter to verify if this tool may be helpful to share with your students.
This tool, or similar tools, might be used by students in your class. Instructors might want to be aware of the capabilities of tools like these when developing learning activities and assessments. Instructors should also be very clear with their students about the acceptable use of Generative AI tools in your class.
If students are considering using Generative AI tools as study aids, this tool has been evaluated by the University’s Information Security team, and it has been deemed safe to use with Level One and Level Two data but should not be used with private, sensitive, personally identifiable or confidential information.
Users should only use Contact North AI Tutor Pro with their own content or content available publicly but not where the copyright holder has not granted permission. To read more about copyright and AI considerations, please visit this helpful resource from the University of Toronto Libraries. The Contact North AI Tutor Pro has been evaluated by the University’s Information Security team, and it has been deemed safe to use with Level One and Level Two data but should not be used with private, sensitive, personal or confidential information.
Guidelines on using artificial intelligence, including guidance for people building or training systems with AI components (University of Toronto Information Security).
Where can I get more support?
Related resources / similar tools
This tool is provided by Contact North | Contact Nord, funded by the Government of Ontario.
How to Get Started
Navigate to:
Choose one of the 2 selections provided:
If AI Tutor Pro doesn’t ask you a question, press the Ask me another question button to continue your session.
Click on the green copy icon when you’re finished to keep a record of your session.
Always verify the answers AI Tutor Pro provides. Like all tools based on Generative AI, it is not 100% reliable.
Check my knowledge and skills on any topic
Check my knowledge and skills on any topic
The “Check my knowledge” section will create a custom quiz to check your knowledge of a topic based on your input.
Ask questions about…
- A specific topic. Ask questions on any topic you would like to learn. (e.g. instead of “human rights”, enter “Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.”)
- Your content. Ask questions on content that you provide. (You can copy and paste texts you’re studying or lecture notes to a maximum of about 2200 words or 15,000 characters).
You can choose to save a summary table of the questions and my answers.
Grow my knowledge and skills on any topic
Grow my knowledge and skills on any topic
The “Grow my knowledge” section will assist in expanding your knowledge by having a virtual conversation around a topic based on your input.
Ask questions about…
- A specific topic. Ask questions on any topic you would like to learn. (e.g. instead of “human rights”, enter “Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.”)
- Your content. Ask questions on content that you provide. (You can copy and paste texts you’re studying or lecture notes to a maximum of about 2200 words or 15,000 characters).
You can choose one of 3 levels to proceed with the conversation: Introductory, Intermediate or Advanced.
Features of the Contact North AI Tutor Pro
Features of this tool are:
- Anonymous – No personal information is required.
- Focused and student-centred – The system asks focused questions and provides resources to help students learn but does so in a way that is supportive and not critical.
- Instant feedback and summary – In the CHECK mode, AI Tutor Pro continues to ask questions until the student is satisfied they have understood the subject. If the student asks for a summary table of their responses, the system will provide it. The table shows the question, the answer the student gave and the correct answer.
- Multilingual Support – Learn in various international languages.
- File Uploads – Customize learning based on specialized content such as lecture transcripts.
- Voice Interaction – Enhance your learning with voice-enabled features.
Examples of student uses (from Contact North)
Users should only use Contact North AI Tutor Pro with their own content or content available publicly but not where the copyright holder has not granted permission. To read more about copyright and AI considerations, please visit this helpful resource from the University of Toronto Libraries.
The Contact North AI Tutor Pro has been evaluated by the University’s Information Security team, and it has been deemed safe to use with Level One and Level Two data but should not be used with private, sensitive, personal or confidential information.
Guidelines on using artificial intelligence (University of Toronto Information Security).
Last Modified:
8 November, 2024
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License